If you frequent coffee shops, you’re probably familiar with cappuccino and latte menus. They’re often the crowd’s favorite drinks, making it hard to choose between them.
However, despite their similarities, did you know that cappuccinos and lattes have fundamental differences and advantages?
This article will be perfect for coffee lovers who want to understand the difference between cappuccino vs latte. Which one is more suited to your taste preferences? Let’s explore together!
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What Is A Cappuccino?
Is cappuccino just coffee with milk? Simply put, a cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee drink mixed with milk and foam.
Unfortunately, cappuccino is not your average milk coffee, the process of making it combines a balanced ratio of espresso, hot milk, and milk foam. This is why cappuccinos have a rich flavor with a smooth texture!
Why do people prefer cappuccino? Besides the coffee flavor being more dominant, the thick foam on top is an additional aesthetic element. It also helps to keep the coffee warm for a longer period, and it is a delicious topping to consume.
What Is A Latte?
On the other hand, a latte or caffè latte is an espresso-based drink mixed with a larger amount of milk. The texture is quite creamy, and the flavor is milder due to the dominant use of milk.
Usually, you will hear of latte art as a form of appreciation and additional aesthetic art. Its beautiful design is often the main advantage of this drink in some cafes.
Now, you can even combine it with various flavored syrups-from vanilla or hazelnut-perfect for a latte with a sweet tooth!
Also read: Macchiato vs Cappuccino: Know The 7 Differences Between Them
The Origin Story of Cappuccino vs Latte
How did these two types of coffee come to be? Let’s start with the history of cappuccino first. This coffee originated in Italy and got its name because of its color similarity to the brown robes worn by Capuchin monks.
Cappuccino’s rise to popularity began in the 20th century thanks to modern espresso machines in some Italian cafes. Today, the coffee drink symbolizes Italian café culture and is often served in the morning.
The latte is also derived from the Italian “caffè e latte” which means coffee with milk. However, this dish is even more popular in the United States and has become widely known since the 1980s, thanks to the presence of specialty coffee types there.
The Key Differences Between Cappuccino vs Latte
Several factors set cappuccino and latte apart. Let’s take a look at the details in full!
1. Milk to Espresso Ratio
When comparing cappuccino vs latte, the first thing we can find is the milk ratio. In making a cappuccino, baristas generally use a 1:1:1 ratio for espresso, hot milk, and foam.
Meanwhile, latte is more dominant in hot milk, with a ratio of 1:3 for espresso and hot milk.
2. Foam Texture and Thickness
You can expect a slightly thicker and denser milk foam in cappuccino drinks. This serves to add texture and softness to the drink you are consuming.
Latte drinks, on the other hand, have a thinner and creamier foam, resulting in a smoother and lighter flavor profile.
3. Serving Size
If you notice, cappuccinos are usually served in small cups that measure around 150-180 ml. Latte drinks, on the other hand, are generally served in larger cups that are around 240-300 ml!
4. Total Calories
Which has more calories, cappuccino or latte? The calories in both coffees will depend on the milk you use. Lattes tend to have higher calories because making them is more dominant in hot milk than espresso.
5. Caffeine Level
How about the caffeine level? With the same base of espresso, cappuccino drinks have stronger caffeine due to the smaller portion of milk in them.
Also read: Between Flat White vs Cappuccino: Which One Is The Best?
Flavor Profile of Cappuccino vs Latte
Regarding which one tastes the most intense, cappuccino drinks are stronger because they are espresso-dominant. Let’s take a look at the following explanations to find out more details!
1. Cappuccino
Cappuccino drinks have a more intense flavor due to the high proportion of espresso that forms the base of the beverage, giving it a rich and bold taste.
Many connoisseurs say that this coffee drink tends to have a chocolate or caramel aftertaste because it combines coffee with milk froth.
2. Latte
Conversely, a latte offers a coffee that tastes softer and sweeter thanks to its higher milk content. This coffee is perfect for those who don’t like their coffee too bitter!
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The Health Benefits of Cappuccino and Latte
Apart from being delicious, cappuccinos and lattes also offer health benefits that enhance our well-being. Let’s take a look at the brief explanation one by one!
1. Antioxidants and Nutrients
Both cappuccino and latte are still rich in antioxidants and compounds that help fight free radicals in our body. Every sip of coffee we take can protect us from potential chronic diseases.
The milk content in these two drinks is also very good because it contains calcium and vitamin D in large quantities. Both of these substances are needed to keep your bones and teeth healthy!
2. Boost Energy and Brain Function
Espresso certainly contains a lot of caffeine. As the base ingredient in cappuccinos and lattes, this caffeine effectively boosts our energy and brain function.
This is why we feel more productive when we down a few caffeine-packed coffee drinks. Moreover, it will also improve your alertness, focus and short-term memory.
3. May Lower Risk of Chronic Disease
Who would have thought drinking coffee regularly would reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease? This is because the antioxidants in coffee help protect our body cells from inflammation.
4. Can Help with Weight Loss
Want to lose weight without sacrificing the pleasure of drinking coffee? cappuccino and Latte can be the solution.
You need to know that the caffeine in espresso boosts the body’s metabolism so that the calorie-burning process becomes more efficient. You can even reduce the amount of milk or sugar to lower calories.
Also read: Luwak Coffee Benefits: Buckle up, This Will Be A Long List!
Which One Is Better: Cappuccino vs Latte?
When given the choice between cappuccino vs latte, which one is better? It all depends on your taste!
If you prefer an intense coffee with a slightly creamy texture, go for a cappuccino. On the other hand, do you like your coffee drinks smooth? A latte might be the best choice for your daily caffeine intake. Whatever the choice, process it with high-quality coffee beans to enhance its delicious flavor.
Let’s explore the wide variety of premium Indonesian coffee available at FnB Coffee! From Arabica and Robusta to Specialty coffees, they all offer unique flavor and aroma profiles. You can even explore each to create a cappuccino or latte that tastes just right!
What are you waiting for? Head over to FnB Coffee’s website to discover some of our best-selling Indonesian coffees that you can turn into a cappuccino or latte. Feel the difference with every sip of high-quality coffee!