Getting to Know Green Coffee Beans by Region Map

Coffee Map

Nowadays, drinking coffee has become one of the ways to start our daily activities. Its bitter taste, sometimes mixed with sweet aromas and flavors, has made it a beloved beverage worldwide.

However, not all coffee beans are the same. These beans come in several variations, with one key difference being their region of origin. This time, we’ll focus more specifically on green coffee beans.

What are the types of green coffee beans by region map? Well, to find the exact answer, let’s take a look at this article!

We will explain the difference between regular and green coffee beans as well as the regions that produce the best green coffee beans in the world.

What’s the Difference Between Regular Coffee Beans and Green Coffee Beans?

What is exactly the difference between regular coffee beans and green coffee beans? Here, we present five distinguishing factors, ranging from the shape and color to the quality of the coffee produced.

1. Shape and Color

Green coffee beans are the unroasted version of coffee beans. Generally, the color appears green to bluish. The texture is also rigid, and the aroma is very different from that of coffee beans that have been roasted.

2. Compound Content

Green coffee beans are rich in chlorogenic acid. This makes them a frequent ingredient in health supplements that are high in antioxidants. Unfortunately, most of the levels of this compound will decrease in roasted coffee beans.

3. Flavor and Aroma

Roasted coffee beans are rich in flavor–sweet or bitter–with a strong aroma. In contrast, green coffee beans tend to be acidic and have a distinctive herbal aftertaste.

4. Function and Use

Green coffee beans are more commonly used for health reasons, such as maintaining weight and boosting metabolism. On the other hand, roasted coffee beans can only be processed into coffee drinks that can be enjoyed daily.

5. Influence on Coffee Quality

The flavor of a coffee drink depends on the beans. The better the quality of green coffee beans, the better the roasted coffee will turn out.

Also read: Green Coffee Vs Black Coffee, Different and Which One is Better?

Why Are Green Coffee Beans So Expensive?

Green coffee beans tend to be expensive for several reasons. First, coffee can only be cultivated in certain regions with specific geographical conditions.

The coffee stock that can be sold is very limited globally. Not only that, the process of harvesting this coffee is also usually done manually because it selects only fully ripe coffee beans.

Finest Indonesian Coffee

This harvesting method certainly requires more time and labor than mechanical harvesting. This way, the production cost of green coffee beans tends to be high.

It doesn’t stop there. Processing green coffee beans is complicated because it uses the washed (wet) or natural (dry) method. Besides requiring specialized equipment, only a few experts can produce quality coffee beans.

The final factor is the variety of coffee, which can be quite expensive. The price depends on the quality, the level of customer demand, and its availability.

Characteristics of an Optimal Region for Green Coffee Bean Cultivation

As mentioned earlier, coffee can only be grown in some regions with specific characteristics. So, what are the characteristics of the region in question? Let’s look at some criteria regarding climate, altitude, and rainfall.

1. Stable Tropical Climate

New coffee plants will grow optimally in tropical areas, especially with an average temperature of 18-24°C.

For this reason, this area must have a stable temperature and not experience drastic changes throughout the year. Varying temperatures can damage the quality of the coffee fruit before it is fully ripe.

Also read: Best Climate For Growing Coffee, There are Interesting Facts

2. High Altitude

The following criterion is that the best green coffee can only be grown at high altitudes or more than 1,200 above sea level). At this altitude, the plants can grow more slowly. This gives the fruit time to develop a rich and complex flavor.

3. Fertile and Nutrient-rich Soil

Regions with volcanic soil provide essential nutrients for coffee plant growth, resulting in high-quality coffee beans with a more intense flavor.

Some coffees grown in volcanic soil can have a unique flavor, reflecting the characteristics of the soil. For example, coffee from Guatemala or Kenya.

4. Consistent Rainfall and Harvest Patterns

Generally, coffee plants require 1,000-2,000 mm of rainfall per year, plus an even distribution of rain throughout the growing process.

Regions with stable rainfall patterns support the growth of healthy coffee plants, ensuring they achieve the size and density desired by farmers.

Also read: 8 Best Coffee Plantation to Visit in Bali, Don’t Miss It!

3 Primary Green Coffee Growing Regions of The ‘Bean Belt’

Green Coffee Beans by Region Map

Typically, regions that fulfill these characteristics are located along the Bean Belt. What is the bean belt? It is the name of a geographical zone around the equator.

Now that we know the characteristics of regions supporting coffee growing let’s explore some green coffee beans using the region map below.

1. South America

South America comes as a region with a large number of famous coffee-producing countries. Here, we have Brazil as the largest coffee-producing country in terms of foreign countries! 

Not only that, there are also countries like Colombia and Mexico that often export their coffee to the global market.

Countries like Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador are well-known coffee producers. This is not surprising, as their mountainous regions are ideal for green coffee cultivation.

2. Africa

Africa is considered the cradle of coffee beans in history, largely because Ethiopia is the leading producer of green coffee beans worldwide.

Apart from this region, green coffee beans are produced in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. Meanwhile, East African countries such as Burundi and Tanzania also contribute to global coffee production.

Like South America, Africa also has mountainous regions ideal for coffee plant growth, particularly around Lake Victoria and the Great Rift Valley.

3. Southeast Asia

The last producer of green coffee beans by region map goes to the Asia-Pacific continent. You can find some well-known coffee-producing countries, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, and Papua New Guinea.

Indonesia is famous for its green coffee beans from Sumatra, Sulawesi und Java. Meanwhile, Vietnam is known as the largest producer of Robusta coffee.

On this continent, you can find various tropical regions with suitable altitudes to support coffee growth.

Green Coffee Bean Characteristics by Region

Green Coffee Beans Plantation

Which country has the best green coffee beans? Each coffee-growing region has its characteristics. That way, you can taste a variety of coffees that vary in flavor, from tropical fruit-flavored coffee to more complex spice coffee.

1. South America

Green coffee beans by region map South America are known for their balanced flavor and just the right amount of acidity. If explained one by one, this is how coffee bean characteristics by region look like:

  1. Colombia: Fairly clean flavor with hints of fruit and chocolate notes.
  2. Brazil: Green coffee beans with a whole body. The flavor tends to be nutty and caramel-like sweetness.
  3. Guatemala: Produces green coffee beans that are complex in flavor. The acidity resembles lemon with typical spice nuances.
  4. Honduras and El Salvador: The beans are naturally sweet with a slight note of dried fruits.

Remember, most of these regions are known for their washing process. This helps to produce coffee that is clean and entirely defined in flavor.

Also read: Unroasted Green Coffee Beans: Better Tasting Espresso

2. Africa

Moving on to coffee from the African region, known for its sharp acidity but balanced with intense fruit flavors. Here is a breakdown of coffee bean characteristics by each country:

  1. Ethiopia: Green coffee beans here are sweet with notes of tropical fruits, such as peaches and berries. There are additional floral nuances as well.
  2. Kenya: Produces coffee beans that are sour, like grapes. The citrus flavour is also very intense.
  3. Rwanda Burundi: Green coffee beans from this region are sweet and complex. The nuances are pretty similar to black tea or jasmine flowers.

In summary, the various green coffee beans from Africa are worth exploring, especially if you love unique coffee flavors.

3. Southeast Asia

Last but not least, green coffee beans by region map Southeast Asia. Generally, the coffee here tends to have a heavy body and rich flavor. Here’s a look at the coffee flavors produced by each country:

  1. Indonesia: The coffee characteristics are earthy, spicy, and even smoky. These coffees are usually imported from Sumatra and Sulawesi.
  2. Vietnam: Produces bitter and thick-bodied Robusta coffee beans
  3. Papua New Guinea: Coffee here tends to be acidic, both medium and high. However, it also sometimes has flavors similar to tropical fruits and caramel.

The Best Coffee Begins with the Right Beans

You can find some green coffee beans by region maps. Different regions produce coffee with distinct flavors. Each region imparts unique characteristics to its coffee, particularly in terms of flavor and aroma.

These high-quality beans can produce a warm cup of coffee with intense and intriguing flavors, making them perfect for further exploration!

Want to taste the deliciousness of Indonesian coffee? Let’s explore the various types of quality coffee beans from Indonesia only at FnB Coffee.

Here, we provide a variety of quality coffee from Indonesia, both Arabica and Robusta, with various flavors and aromas that are sure to arouse your taste buds. Among the various types available, we export the finest coffees from the top coffee-producing regions across Indonesia.

Do you still need to decide which type of coffee is the best? You can contact our team or check out some of our best-sellers. What are you waiting for? Treat yourself to the finest coffee beans from FnB Coffee and savor the perfect cup every day in the comfort of your home!

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