- Verfügbare Produkte: Grüne Kaffeebohnen, Geröstete Kaffeebohnen, Gemahlener Kaffee
- Type: Robusta
- Bildschirmgröße: 15-19
- Luftfeuchtigkeit: Max 13%
- Defect Value: Max 25 (Grade 2), also available Grade 1, 3, 4, EK 1, Large Beans 350 BC & 450 BC, After Polished (AP)
- Origin: Lampung
- Fragrance/Aroma: Earthy
- Favor: Spicy, Hot, Fresh
- Body: Full Body
- Cupping Score: Not Tested
- Erntejahr: 2024
- Losgröße: 200
- Beutelgröße: 60 KG
- Packaging: Jute Bag
- Certifications: Fair Trade, Organic, USDA, Rain Forest Alliance, Halal.
About Lampung Coffee Beans
Robusta Lampung Coffee has a rich and strong aroma, and the coffee is incredibly full-bodied, almost syrupy. It lingers on the tongue with a long, clean aftertaste.