- Verfügbare Produkte: Grüne Kaffeebohnen, Geröstete Kaffeebohnen, Gemahlener Kaffee
- Art: Arabica
- Bildschirmgröße: 15-19
- Luftfeuchtigkeit: Max 13%
- Triage: 8-10%
- Defect Value: Max 11
- Schröpfung Bewertung: 84+
- Erntejahr: 2024
- Losgröße: 200
- Beutelgröße: 60 KG
- Verpackung: GrainPro Liner
- Certifications: Fair Trade, Organic, USDA, Rain Forest Alliance, Halal.
- Fragrance/Aroma: Orange, Lemon
- Flavor: Molasses, Toast
- Acidity: Bright
- Body: Medium
Description Scheme
- Zeit von Blumen bis Beeren: 9 Monate
- Produktion (kg/Ha): 800 bis 1500
- Optimale Temperatur: 13 bis 28°C
- Optimale Niederschlagsmenge: 100 bis 3000 mm
- Höhe: 1200 bis 1700 über dem Meeresspiegel (asl)
- Soil Type: Black Soil /Soil Formed of Young
Materials are very Fertile and Volcanic and contain Micro Nutrients Important to Plants.
- Herkunftsland: Indonesien
- Production Areas: Ulian Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali Province.
- Koffeingehalt: 0,8 bis 1,4%
- Form der Samen: Flach mit einer klaren Mittellinie
- Charakter-Eintopf: Säure und Schokolade
- Methode der Ernte: Mechanische und manuelle Ernte
- Processing Method: Fully Washed (smallholders)
About Bali Kintamani Coffee Beans
Bali Kintamani Grade 1 Arabica green coffee beans originating from the magical region of Kintamani, Bali. Known for their unique taste and distinctive flavor profile, these coffee beans provide an extraordinary coffee experience. Planted in volcanic soil, the altitude and cool climate reflect the spirit of the place.
Local farmers carefully care for the coffee trees using traditional techniques. Picked from mature trees, coffee beans go through a rigorous sorting process for the best quality.
Sustainable production preserves the natural beauty of Bali and supports local farmers. With a complex flavor that captures the volcanic soil of Bali, the Bali Kintamani Grade 1 Arabica green coffee bean has balanced acidity, a smooth body, and a lively taste.