- Verfügbare Produkte: Grüne Kaffeebohnen, Geröstete Kaffeebohnen, Gemahlener Kaffee
- Art: Arabica
- Bildschirmgröße: 15-19
- Luftfeuchtigkeit: Max 13%
- Triage: 8-10%
- Defect Value: Max 11
- Schröpfung Bewertung: 84+
- Erntejahr: 2024
- Losgröße: 200
- Beutelgröße: 60 KG
- Verpackung: GrainPro Liner
- Certifications: Fair Trade, Organic, USDA, Rain Forest Alliance, Halal.
- Fragrance/Aroma: Fresh, Nutty
- Flavor: Hints of Citric and Chocolate
- Acidity: Medium
- Body: Strong
Description Scheme
- Zeit von Blumen bis Beeren: 9 Monate
- Produktion (kg/Ha): 800 bis 1500
- Optimale Temperatur: 13 bis 28°C
- Optimale Niederschlagsmenge: 100 bis 3000 mm
- Höhe: 1200 bis 1700 über dem Meeresspiegel (asl)
- Soil Type: Fertile volcanic soil
- Herkunftsland: Indonesien
- Production Areas: Flores Highland, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara (East Sunda Lesser)
- Koffeingehalt: 0,8 bis 1,4%
- Form der Samen: Flach mit einer klaren Mittellinie
- Charakter-Eintopf: Säure und Schokolade
- Methode der Ernte: Mechanische und manuelle Ernte
- Processing Method: Fully Washed (smallholders)
About Flores Coffee Beans
On the island of Flores, eastern Indonesia, Flores grade 1 coffee is grown, a specialty coffee. The fertile volcanic soil of Flores makes it an ideal place to grow high-quality Arabica coffee beans known for their extraordinary taste and aroma.
Although relatively new to specialty coffees, Flores Grade 1 Coffee has earned a solid reputation thanks to its distinctive flavor profile and premium bean. This coffee is known for its smooth ending, a touch of chocolate, and fruity and floral flavors. For coffee lovers who want a unique and interesting taste experience, Flores Coffee is a fantastic choice.