Who hasn’t heard of Kopi Luwak, also known as luwak coffee? This coffee is renowned for its unique characteristics and high price. Beyond its excellent taste, its production involves a Southeast Asian animal called the luwak.
In essence, luwak coffee beans offer a coffee-drinking experience rich with Indonesian flavors. From the initial stages of harvesting to serving consumers, this coffee symbolizes hard work, the distinctive nature, and the culture of Indonesia.
Let’s delve deeply into Kopi Luwak coffee production, highlighting its unique characteristics and exceptional qualities!
What Is Kopi Luwak (Luwak Coffee)?
Kopi luwak is a specialty coffee bean that has been eaten and passed through the digestive system of a civet (luwak). These beans are naturally fermented in their digestive tract, resulting in a distinctive coffee bean flavor and aroma!
This coffee is high in antioxidants, which benefit your body’s health. It also contains about 1-2% caffeine by weight. This amount can still provide a stimulant effect, just like regular coffee.
Despite its benefits, it’s important to ensure that luwak coffee is processed responsibly to avoid harming the animals.
Also read: Luwak Coffee Benefits: Buckle up, This Will Be A Long List!
Why Is Kopi Luwak So Expensive?
The high price of civet coffee, or Kopi Luwak, is due to several factors, including its unique production process and limited availability. The collection of coffee beans from civet feces must be done carefully, as the civet can only produce a relatively small amount of coffee.
Thanks to its exceptional taste, civet coffee enjoys a good reputation as an exclusive beverage and is highly sought after by international coffee lovers. It promises a premium coffee experience!
The Origin Story of Kopi Luwak (Luwak Coffee)
What is the history of luwak coffee? During the Dutch colonial era in the 18th century, workers on coffee plantations were prohibited from consuming coffee themselves.
However, they found that civet had digested coffee beans that had a better flavor. Civets play an essential role in making this coffee as they can select the most ripe and quality beans for consumption.
The enzymes in their stomachs can help break down the proteins in the coffee, giving it its distinctive flavor. From here, the practice of making civet coffee has continued until now, even becoming a well-known product among the Dutch colonial authorities.
The global demand has led to the production of civet coffee in various regions, such as Sumatra, Java, Bali and Sulawesi.
Also read: The Most Expensive Luwak Coffee: A Comprehensive Guide
What Does Kopi Luwak (Luwak Coffee) Taste?
This type of coffee is unique, with its flavor profile being light, smooth, and slightly sweet. Combined with its floral aroma, it gives you an extraordinary coffee experience.
Many claim that brewing luwak coffee gives us more than just flavor. Thanks to its aroma and texture, it provides a deep and satisfying sensation.
Is Kopi Luwak (Luwak Coffee) Clean And Safe to Drink?
Is luwak coffee safe to consume? Yes, it is safe to drink, provided it is produced with proper hygiene standards. This standard is met by thoroughly cleaning the beans separated from the civet droppings with clean water.
Farmers will often use UV technology to achieve maximum results so that no bacteria remain. In addition, civet coffee can also be consumed by vegans as no animal ingredients are added in the manufacturing process. Even so, some people still refuse to consume it because the production method involves animals.
Kopi Luwak Coffee Production
The Kopi Luwak coffee production is primarily concentrated in Indonesia, specifically in Sumatra, Java, and Bali. Additionally, there are neighboring countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam that also produce this coffee.
Each step of luwak coffee production requires crucial steps. To create coffee with a distinctive taste and aroma, let’s follow these steps:
1. Selection of Coffee Fruits by Civets
First, the civet will eat the best coffee beans that are perfectly ripe. With its natural selection, civet coffee has a superior and unique flavor that any other processing cannot replicate.
2. Collection and Cleaning of Coffee Beans
After the civet has successfully digested the beans, they are manually separated from their droppings. Skilled farmers must handle this process, as it is typically performed in challenging terrain.
Next comes the meticulous process of cleaning the beans. The beans will be washed multiple times with clean water to remove any dirt and residue.
After that, the coffee beans will be dried to a specific moisture level. With days of natural drying, this unique coffee’s aroma and flavor character is still preserved.
3. Roasting Process
The final stage is roasting the luwak coffee beans. These coffee beans will be placed into a roasting machine at a precise temperature. This process allows the aroma, flavor, and texture of the civet coffee beans to develop after undergoing fermentation inside the civet’s body.
Usually, professional roasters will customize the roasting level, ranging from light to dark, according to market preferences.
How to Make Kopi Luwak Coffee at Home?
How to enjoy luwak coffee at home? Follow these three steps to produce the best-tasting luwak coffee!
1. Use Quality Equipment
First of all, choose suitable coffee brewing equipment. You can use manual brewing such as French Press or pour-over, as it does not change civet coffee’s characteristics and authentic taste.
Make sure to use quality equipment and various measuring devices to correct the ratio of coffee to water. Alternatively, opt for an automatic coffee machine that allows you to adjust it manually.
2. Grind Coffee Beans Manually
Grind coffee beans just before brewing using a manual or quality grinder. This ensures that the coffee grounds are consistent in texture.
Adjusting the size according to the coffee brewing method is also a good idea. A coarse grind is more suitable for the French Press method. On the other hand, choose a medium grind for the pour-over method.
3. Proper Water Temperature and Ratio
Pay attention to the water temperature and ratio. We recommend using water with a temperature range of 90-96°C. If you can’t measure it with a thermometer, let the water boil for 30 seconds before using it.
With an ideal coffee-to-water ratio of 1:15, you can extract the flavor and aroma of the coffee perfectly!
Also read: Guide to Enhancing Aroma in Luwak Coffee Beans
Enjoy the Magic of Luwak Coffee, a Distinctive Indonesian Flavor
After learning about Kopi Luwak coffee production, it’s clear to see how unique this coffee is, making it one of the best coffee varieties in the world!
From its unique processing, delicious flavor, and traditional cultural story, this coffee deserves a special place in every coffee lover’s heart.
Do you want to experience the authentic taste of luwak coffee? Get your hands on high-quality Indonesian coffee beans, including Arabica Luwak coffee.
Through natural processing, these premium coffee beans provide the perfect flavor and aroma for an exceptional coffee experience. Visit FnB Coffee and bring the magic of Kopi Luwak coffee into your home!