Sumatra Mandheling

$ 16.17 - $ 7,650.00

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  • Available Products: Green Coffee Beans, Roasted Coffee Beans, Ground Coffee
  • Type: Arabica
  • Screen Size: 15-19
  • Moisture: Max 13%
  • Triage: Max 6-8
  • Defect Value: Max 11 (Grade 1), also available for Grades 2 to 6.
  • Cupping Score: 84+
  • Crop Year: 2024
  • Lot Size: 200
  • Bag Size: 60 KG
  • Packaging: GrainPro Liner
  • Certifications: Fair Trade, Organic, USDA, Rain Forest Alliance, Halal.


  • Fragrance/Aroma: Sweet, Fresh, Nutty
  • Flavor: Herbal, Spicy, Mild Caramel
  • Acidity: Fine
  • Body: Medium to High

Description Scheme

  • Time from Flowers to Be Berry: 9 Months
  • Production (Kg/Ha): 800 to 1500
  • Optimal Temperature: 13 to 28°C
  • Optimal Rainfall: 100 to 3000 mm
  • Altitude: 1100 to 1500 from Sea Level (asl)
  • Soil Type: Black Soil / Soil Formed of Young
  • Materials are very Fertile Volcanic and Contains Micro Nutrients That are Important to Plants
  • Country of Origin: Indonesia
  • Production Areas: Berastagi, Sidikalang, Dolok Sanggul, Dolok
  • Saribu, Lintong, Borong-borong, Tobasa, Sipirok, Mandailing.
  • Caffeine Content: 0.8 to 1.4%
  • Form of Seeds: Flat with a Clear Midline
  • Character Stew: Acid & Chocolate
  • Method of Harvest: Mechanical and Hand Pick
  • Processing Method: Semi-wash Method

About Sumatra Mandheling Coffee Beans

What is Sumatra Mandheling coffee? Sumatra Mandheling coffee is an Arabica coffee that originated from the Mandailing region, near the Bukit Barisan Mountains, North Sumatra. 

Etymologically, the term “Mandheling” is taken from the name of the Mandailing tribe, a local ethnic group in North Sumatra. They are also known for their coffee cultivation and processing. 

Furthermore, the surrounding area also has good climatic and soil conditions that are suitable for cultivating coffee plants. With its volcanic soil and altitude of more than 1500 meters above sea level, this environment is perfect for producing high-quality coffee beans. 

Mandheling coffee was introduced as early as 1835-the year the Dutch East Indies government introduced the cultivation system (cultuurstelsel). They brought several variants of coffee beans from Java and implemented their initial cultivation process in Tanah Bato, South Panyabungan. 

Over time, this coffee product spread to various regions in North Sumatra, including Pakantan and Angkola. Over time, Mandheling coffee gained its popularity and became one of Indonesia’s top products in the global market. 

The Roasting Process of Sumatra Mandheling Coffee 

The roasting process of Mandheling coffee beans starts with post-harvest processing until they are ready to be packaged for market. Here is a detailed explanation of each step: 

1. Collection and Selection of Coffee Beans 

The first stage is collecting coffee beans that are ripe and bright red. The beans are then thoroughly cleaned of dirt and leaves. 

Sumatra Mandheling Coffee Selection

2. Post-Harvest Processing 

Generally, the distinctive flavor of Mandheling coffee beans is due to the use of the wet-hulling method. This process involves several steps:

  1. Sorting: Harvested coffee beans are sorted by soaking in water. Select the sunken beans as high-quality beans. 
  2. Pulping: After sorting, the coffee beans will be hulled with a hulling machine to remove the outer skin and pulp. 
  3. Fermentation: The peeled coffee beans will be soaked in water for 24-36 hours to remove the remaining mucus. 
  4. Drying: Lastly, the coffee beans are dried in the sun or with a modern dryer to reduce the moisture content to 10-12%. 

3. Storage and Parchment Skin Stripping 

After the drying process, the coffee beans will be placed in a temporary dry place. At this stage, the parchment skin on the coffee will be removed with a huller machine. This stripping process will be easier while the beans are still slightly moist. 

4. Roasting 

Once the coffee bean is ready, it will proceed to the roasting stage. This process must be done properly to give Mandheling coffee its distinctive flavor. The roasting is done by observing the following temperature and time.

  • Temperature and Time: Mandheling coffee beans can be roasted at various levels, such as light roast (190ºC – 195ºC), medium roast (200ºC – 205ºC), or dark roast (above 205ºC). Each level will produce a different flavor profile, from the strong acidity of light roast to the dark roast method that produces a rich and bitter coffee. 
  • Chemical Changes: The roasting process will bring about changes to the coffee beans, such as reducing their weight and forming special aroma compounds. 

5. Cooling 

After the roasting process is complete, the coffee beans will be cooled to stop the further roasting process. This can be done with a fan or by placing the beans on a flat surface. 

6. Grinding 

Roasted coffee beans can be ground according to serving needs. The grind size used will vary according to the brewing method used; for example, coarse size for French Press or fine size for espresso. 

7. Packaging

The final step is to package the Sumatra Mandheling coffee beans in an airtight container. This will ensure the quality of the coffee beans will not be affected by direct air contamination and moisture from outside. 

Sumatra Mandheling Coffee Characteristic

Mandheling coffee has some key characteristics that stand out. Here is a brief explanation.

1. Thick Body 

This coffee has a very thick body, making it heavier than other coffees from other regions. This makes it have a full taste when consumed. 

2. Low Acidity 

One of the advantages of Mandheling coffee is its low acidity. This means that it can be enjoyed without sugar, perfect for those who don’t like coffee with a strong acidic flavor. 

3. Earthy and Herbal Aroma 

Mandheling coffee has a distinctive aroma that is earthy, similar to wet soil, with a slight herbal touch. This aroma will be loved by coffee lovers who are looking for a unique coffee drink flavor compared to the usual.

4. Long Aftertaste 

Lastly, this coffee provides a smooth aftertaste once consumed. This is what makes its unique flavor as its main attraction. 

Sumatra Mandheling Coffee Aroma 

To provide a unique coffee experience, we also need to prioritize how it smells. Here are some of the aroma components that you will find when consuming Mandheling coffee: 

  • Herbal and Earthy: This coffee variety has a predominantly herbal aroma. This results in a fresh and natural taste as if you were in the tropical forests of Sumatra. Not only that, the earthy aroma also reflects the volcanic soil on which the beans are grown.
  • Nuances of Spices: Besides herbal notes, this coffee also gives off subtle spice notes, such as cinnamon and black pepper. This gives the coffee a fairly deep aroma profile.
  • Chocolate and Caramel: The rich chocolate aroma usually comes together with herbal and spice notes. This makes the initial sip of Mandheling coffee taste sweet and aromatic. 
  • Floral: Some batches of Mandheling coffee also have a delicate floral aroma, such as jasmine or rose. 

Mandheling coffee has various notes that are different from other coffees. Some notes that often appear include chocolate, spices, and a slightly sweet caramel aftertaste. With moderate acidity, this coffee provides a more harmonious flavor without losing its characteristic spice. 

Sometimes, this type of coffee also has a light fruity flavor, if harvested with the correct technique. With a thick texture and complex flavor, Mandheling coffee offers a well-rounded taste experience from the first sip to the last. 

Cupping Score of Sumatra Mandheling Coffee 

The cupping score is a scoring system used to evaluate the quality of coffee beans based on various parameters, including aroma, flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste. 

For the Mandheling coffee variety, this cupping score generally ranges from 80 to 90 points. In conclusion, this variant proves to be one of the premium coffees. 

Sumatra Mandheling Coffee: The Right Choice for Coffee Lovers 

After read this complete article, you now know what is Sumatra Mandheling coffee and its basic knowledge in full. From its origin, aroma characteristics, to cupping score, no wonder this Sumatra coffee has become a well-loved local coffee option! 

Do you want to experience a cup of high-quality coffee? Get a high-quality Mandheling coffee bean from FnB Coffee, an exporter with the largest coffee plantation in Sumatra. 

We also focus on providing every type of coffee beans from Sumatra that people love, be it Robusta or Arabica. Discover the uniqueness of each sip and savor the special taste and aroma of coffee from the land of Sumatra!
