Past Crop

$ 14.64 - $ 6,800.00

Note: The minimum purchase requirement is USD 100.

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  • Fragrance/Aroma: Fresh, Nutty
  • Flavor: Rich, Earthy Body, and Very Little
  • Acidity: Good Acidity
  • Body: Medium to High or Full-body (Rich)
  • Origin: Batak Highland/Gayo Highland
  • Moisture: Max 13%

About Coffee Past Crop

The Green Coffee Beans Past Crop product is composed of unroasted green coffee beans that have surpassed the standard storage period and are likely to have decreased in quality compared to fresh coffee beans. These green coffee beans have gone beyond their optimal storage duration and may be of lower quality than newly harvested ones.

Though the these coffee beans can still be roasted and brewed into coffee, there are some aspects to consider:

  1. Aroma and Flavor: The quality of the coffee beans tends to diminish as they age, resulting in a less potent aroma and a less rich taste compared to fresh coffee beans.
  2. Loss of Nutrients: Past-crop coffee beans may have lost some of their nutrients and natural compounds during the extended storage period.
  3. Lack of Brilliance: Fresh coffee beans usually exhibit brightness, roundness, and bright green color. However, past-crop coffee beans may have a less appealing appearance and could be drier.
  4. Lack of Uniformity: After an extended storage period, past crop coffee beans might display uneven sizes and shapes, which can impact the final result after roasting.

Despite these considerations, past crop coffee beans may still be an acceptable choice if fresh coffee beans are not available. However, for buyers or coffee roasters, it is advisable to exercise caution and carefully evaluate the quality and price before deciding to purchase past crop coffee beans.

It is essential to always buy coffee beans from reputable sources that can provide information about the origin of the coffee beans and their storage conditions. This way, you can ensure the best coffee brewing experience even when opting for past crop coffee beans.
