More than just a drink, coffee also creates an unforgettable experience for its connoisseurs. Well, one way to do that is with its unique presentation.
If you’re a true coffee lover, there are some espresso and milk-based drinks that are delicious and hard to resist, such as macchiato and cappuccino.
Although served as two different menus, some still do not understand the difference between macchiato vs cappuccino, especially for ordinary people. Each beverage has a unique texture, flavor, and presentation.
Let’s explore this article to understand the meaning of macchiato and cappuccino and how to serve them properly. This way, you can choose which one suits your taste and needs.
What Is Macchiato?
Macchiato is an espresso-based drink that etymologically means spotted or stained. Typically, it has a predominantly bitter taste with a shot or two of espresso. The rest will have warm milk or milk foam added on top.
What makes a macchiato different? The answer is its proportion and essence. It retains the flavor of espresso because it only adds a small amount of milk.
Two variants of macchiato can be found, namely espresso and latte macchiato. This type of coffee is perfect for those who like the intense coffee flavor but a soft texture.
What Is Cappuccino?
Meanwhile, cappuccino is a classic Italian drink served with thick milk foam on top. The proportions of espresso, hot milk, and milk foam are balanced so that the texture and flavor are balanced.
The word cappuccino comes from Capuchin monks whose numbers are brown, similar to this drink. Typically, cappuccinos are served in small porcelain cups and garnished with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon.
Also read: Cappuccino vs Latte: What’s The Difference Between Them?
The Differences Between Macchiato vs Cappuccino
While both are espresso with milk, there are some important differences between macchiato vs cappuccino that you should know about. Let’s take a detailed look at the differences!
1. Caffeine Contents
Macchiato has a higher caffeine content than cappuccino because the espresso shot in it is more concentrated and dominant.
On the other hand, cappuccino has lower caffeine content because the espresso dissolves with the milk and foam.
2. Nutritional Value
Typically, a macchiato’s calorie and fat content tends to be lower because it uses a smaller portion of milk. In comparison, a cup of macchiato contains only 10-20 calories.
In contrast, a cup of cappuccino coffee contains more calories, around 60-80 calories, due to the use of more milk. However, it all depends on the amount of milk used!
3. Milk to Espresso Ratio
The main factor that differentiates macchiato vs cappuccino is the milk-to-espresso ratio. You would use a 1:1 ratio of espresso to milk foam in a macchiato.
Meanwhile, the serving ratio of cappuccino is usually 1:1:1 between espresso, hot milk, and milk foam.
4. Foam Texture and Thickness
The next differentiator between the two is the foam texture. The cappuccino has thick and creamy milk foam.
In contrast, the foam layer in macchiato tends to be thinner. The thickness or thinness of the foam gives a different coffee-drinking sensation!
5. Serving Size
Macchiato coffee is typically served in a 3-4 oz cup, making it a smaller, more concentrated drink. In contrast, a cappuccino is usually served in a larger, medium 6 oz cup.
This difference in serving size contributes to the distinct flavor profiles and experiences of each beverage.
6. Flavor Profile
The flavor profile between the two is also quite different. The macchiato is stronger in flavor due to the more dominant espresso but still smooth due to the milk foam.
Meanwhile, the flavor profile of cappuccino coffee is more balanced as it balances the bitterness of the espresso with the sweetness of the milk.
7. Health Benefits
Both macchiato and cappuccino are high in caffeine. When you consume them, you’ll get a boost of energy and increased focus levels.
However, macchiato can be a low-calorie coffee option, making it suitable for those on a specific diet program.
Also read: 7 Java Coffee Benefits That You Need To Know
Macchiato vs Cappuccino: Which One Is the Most Popular?
This answer depends on the country and culture of the coffee drinker. Cappuccino coffee would be more popular in Europe, especially Italy, and is a classic breakfast drink.
On the other hand, the stronger-tasting macchiato is more popular with espresso lovers who need a little milk to cut down on the overpowering texture.
How to Make a Perfect Cappuccino and Macchiato at Home
How do we make the perfect macchiato and cappuccino at home? No need to prepare some complicated equipment. Let’s create a coffee experience just like your favorite cafe!
Follow these steps to make the best-tasting cappuccino!
1. Prepare Espresso
Turn on the espresso machine to make one shot of espresso. It’s best to use quality beans with a flavor profile that suits your taste for a rich and aromatic coffee.
Also, ensure that the espresso extraction process is complete to form a soft crema on the surface.
2. Add Milk
Next, heat the milk slightly until it boils. However, don’t let it get too hot; this can ruin the texture and flavor.
Add a tablespoon of hot milk or milk foam to give your cappuccino a smooth texture. This will give the coffee a strong yet harmonious flavor.
3. Serve with Style
Serve the coffee in 60-90 ml cups to keep it thick. To enhance the look, decorate the milk foam with simple patterns using the tip of a spoon.
Meanwhile, here’s how to prepare a delicious macchiato to enjoy!
1. Prepare the Espresso
Just like the macchiato, start by making a shot of espresso. Make sure the espresso is strong and balanced.
What if you don’t have an espresso machine? You can also use a moka pot of French Press, although it gives a slight difference in taste.
2. Heat the Milk
Make sure to use fresh milk that has been heated to 60-65°C. This process can be used with a steam wand on an espresso machine or a manual frother.
This serves to produce milk foam that is creamy, soft, and quite smooth in texture.
3. Combine with Harmony
Pour the espresso first into a 150-180ml porcelain cup. After that, slowly add hot milk and garnish with a little milk foam at the top. You can also add cocoa powder or cinnamon for additional aroma and flavor.
Enjoy Quality Coffee for Every Taste
After knowing the differences between macchiato vs cappuccino, each offers a special coffee experience. Whether you prefer strong coffee or the opposite, the choice of which coffee variety is better will depend on the taste of the connoisseur.
Let’s explore the wide variety of premium Indonesian coffee available at FnBコーヒー! From Arabica and Robusta to Specialty coffees, they all offer unique flavor and aroma profiles. You can even explore each to create a cappuccino or macchiato that tastes just right!
What are you waiting for? Head over to FnB Coffee’s website to discover some of our best-selling Indonesian coffee beans that you can turn into your favorite cup of warm coffee. Enjoy the authentic taste of the Indonesian coffee that spoils the tongue!