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Coffee Beans : Amazing Journey To Become A Favorite Beverage

Coffee Beans Era

Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are currently in high demand and do you know that coffee, which comes in many variations and has become the favorite beverage today, originates from the small seeds of coffee cherries,  Coffee cherries are the red-colored fruits that grow on the branches of coffee trees. It is quite unimaginable, isn’t it? From those small seeds, a drink that boosts your energy is created. In fact, some people feel the need to drink coffee every day. However, in the past, coffee bean was banned by certain religions and countries for various reasons. Here is a brief overview of the history of how coffee became the favorite Beverage.

History of Coffee Beans

Coffee beans was first discovered in Ethiopia, East Africa, in the 9th century by Khaldi, a goat herder. Later on, the Galla tribe in East Africa processed coffee as food, and some regions in Africa still consume it to this day. They processed coffee beans by crushing them and mixing them with oil, then forming them into balls for direct consumption. In the 15th century, the Arab people began using coffee as a substitute for wine by pouring boiling water over dried coffee beans. They also developed coffee drinks by roasting coffee beans, which proved to enhance the flavor of coffee into something more enjoyable.

The delightful taste of coffee has spread as far as Scandinavia, Northern Europe. It’s worth noting, there’s an interesting story about King Gustav II of Sweden who gave an unusual punishment to two twin brothers accused of a crime. To determine who was guilty, King Gustav II enforced a unique rule: one brother could only drink coffee for the rest of his life, while the other could only drink tea. Whoever died first would be considered guilty. Eventually, the brother who drank tea passed away at the age of 83. Since then, the people of Sweden and Scandinavia have developed a great fondness for coffee beans.

Prohibition of Coffee Beans Consumption

Middle East

In 1511, leaders in Saudi Arabia issued a ban on coffee consumption due to its striking physiological effects. However, in 1524, Sultan Selim I of the Ottoman Turkish Empire lifted the ban due to the increasing popularity of coffee. Coffee prohibition also occurred in Egypt in 1532, leading to the closure of many coffee shops. In 1956, the Ottoman Turkish Wazir issued a ban on opening coffee shops and threatened whip punishment for anyone processing coffee beans and drinking coffee. However, over time, these prohibitions gradually faded away in the Middle East.


Initially, Italian society didn’t delve much into coffee beans innovations as the Arab nations did. However, as coffee gained popularity, Italy opened its first coffee shop in 1645 at Botega Delcafe. This shop became a meeting place for scientists and prominent figures in Italy at the time, marking the beginning of coffee shop development worldwide. Nevertheless, there was a prohibition from Catholic priests in Italy against coffee consumption by their congregation. The reasoning behind this prohibition was the perception that coffee beans were a product originating from Muslims, possibly an attempt to shift the popularity from wine, long known as a product of Catholics.


In 1650, the University of Oxford opened the first coffee house on Lombat Street, George Yard. However, this move was condemned by England, and in 1674, “The Women’s Petition Against Coffee” was published in London. This was due to concerns about the caffeine in coffee  which could lead to addiction. As a result, in 1675, King Charles II issued an order to close all coffee shops.


Even though bans on coffee consumption had eased in many places, in 1777, regulations banning coffee drinks emerged in Russia. This regulation was imposed by King Frederick the Great, who considered coffee a luxury drink only fit for nobility. However, over time, bans on coffee drinking in various countries began to fade away. In fact, the popularity of coffee  continued to rise due to its delightful taste, inspiring many innovations to enhance the coffee-drinking experience.

Crafting Your Magic Coffee Beans

It’s unbelievable that now, coffee has become an energizing drink for anyone who consumes it. Nowadays, you can brew your coffee  in various ways and of course, according to your taste. You can create unique coffee with addictive flavors to savor. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s craft your coffee into the perfect magic and for more information you can