Kopi Kalosi

SKU N/A Kategori

$ 15.99 - $ 7,550.00

Catatan: Persyaratan pembelian minimum adalah USD 100.

Ingin memesan atau memiliki pertanyaan? Silakan hubungi kami: info@fnb.coffee


  • Produk yang tersedia: Biji Kopi Hijau, Biji Kopi Panggang, Kopi Bubuk
  • Jenis: Arabika
  • Screen Size: 15-19 
  • Kelembaban: Maks 13% 
  • Triage: 8-10% 
  • Defect Value: Max 11
  • Skor Bekam: 84+
  • Tahun Panen: 2024
  • Ukuran Lot: 200
  • Ukuran tas: 60 KG
  • Pengemasan: GrainPro Liner
  • Sertifikasi: Perdagangan yang Adil, Organik, USDA, Rain Forest Alliance, Halal.


  • Fragrance/Aroma: Fresh Flower
  • Flavor: Light Bitter Hints and Chocolate
  • Acidity: Medium to High
  • Body: Medium

Deskripsi Skema

  • Time from Flowers to Be Berry: 9 Months 
  • Production (Kg/Ha): 800 to 1500   
  • Optimal Temperature: 13 to 28°C
  • Optimal Rainfall: 100 to 3000 mm
  • Ketinggian: 1200 hingga 1700 dari Permukaan Laut (dpl)
  • Soil Type: Infertile to Fertile volcanic Soils
  • Negara Asal: Indonesia
  • Production Areas: Tana Toraja Highland, South Sulawesi
  • Kandungan Kafein: 0,8 hingga 1,4%
  • Bentuk Biji: Pipih dengan Garis Tengah yang Jelas
  • Sup Karakter: Asam & Cokelat
  • Metode Panen: Mekanis dan Petik Tangan
  • Processing Method: Wet Hulling Washed Arabica (smallholders)

About Kalosi Coffee Beans

Kalosi Grade 1 coffee beans for their unique features, exciting flavor profile, and potential health benefits. Kalosi, hidden in the beautiful landscape of Sulawesi, takes advantage of the ideal combination of fertile volcanic soil, high altitude, and tropical climate, producing excellent coffee beans.

It uses traditional methods and environmentally friendly procedures to create high-quality coffee beans. The green coffee beans from Kalosi are carefully picked from mature coffee trees to ensure only the best beans are selected.

What Makes Kalosi Coffee Unique?

Kalosi Coffee is primarily made from Arabica beans, which are known for their smooth, complex flavors. What sets it apart, however, is the unique terroir of the Sulawesi highlands. The combination of high altitude, volcanic soil, and a tropical climate results in beans with a distinct flavor profile.

When brewed, Kalosi Coffee offers a medium-bodied cup with low acidity and a well-balanced taste. You’ll notice notes of dark chocolate, earthy undertones, and a hint of spice, making it a truly satisfying experience. Its smooth finish and lack of bitterness make it a favorite among those who prefer a milder yet flavorful coffee.

The Production Process

The production of Kalosi Coffee is a labor of love. Farmers handpick the ripest coffee cherries, ensuring only the best beans are selected. After harvesting, the beans undergo a traditional wet-hulling process known as Giling Basah.

This method involves removing the outer skin of the cherries, fermenting the beans, and then hulling them while they are still semi-wet. The result is a bean with a unique bluish-green hue and a flavor that is distinctly Indonesian.

Once the beans are dried and sorted, they are carefully roasted to bring out their full potential. The roasting process is crucial, as it enhances the natural flavors while maintaining the coffee’s signature smoothness.

How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Kalosi Coffee

To fully appreciate the flavors of Kalosi Coffee, it’s important to brew it correctly. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:

  1. Grind the Beans: Use a medium grind for drip coffee makers or a coarse grind for French press.

  2. Measure: Use about 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water, depending on your taste preferences.

  3. Brew: Use water that’s just below boiling (around 195-205°F) to avoid burning the beans.

  4. Enjoy: Savor the rich aroma and smooth taste of your freshly brewed Kalosi Coffee.
