- Produk yang tersedia: Biji Kopi Hijau, Biji Kopi Panggang, Kopi Bubuk
- Jenis: Arabika
- Screen Size: 15-19
- Kelembaban: Maks 13%
- Triage: Max 6-8%
- Defect Value: 6-8 (As per sample)
- Skor Bekam: 84+
- Tahun Panen: 2024
- Ukuran Lot: 200
- Ukuran tas: 60 KG
- Pengemasan: GrainPro Liner
- Sertifikasi: Perdagangan yang Adil, Organik, USDA, Rain Forest Alliance, Halal.
- Fragrance/Aroma: Fresh, Nutty
- Flavor: Floral, Fresh Spicy, Dark Chocolate, Caramel
- Acidity: Medium-high (coffee cherries fragrance)
- Body: Strong but Soft and Mild
Deskripsi Skema
- Time from Flowers to Be Berry: 9 Months
- Production (Kg/Ha): 800 to 1500
- Optimal Temperature: 13 to 28°C
- Optimal Rainfall: 100 to 3000 mm
- Ketinggian: 1200 hingga 1700 dari Permukaan Laut (dpl)
- Soil Type: Black Soil /Soil Formed of Young
Materials are very Fertile and Volcanic and contain Micro Nutrients Important to Plants.
- Negara Asal: Indonesia
- Production Areas: Aceh Gayo Highland / Batak Highland
- Kandungan Kafein: 0,8 hingga 1,4%
- Bentuk Biji: Pipih dengan Garis Tengah yang Jelas
- Sup Karakter: Asam & Cokelat
- Metode Panen: Mekanis dan Petik Tangan
- Processing Method: Fermentation Method, wet and dry hulled
About Bali, Java, Gayo and Mandheling Wine
Bali, Java, Gayo and Mandheling Wine After selecting the red coffee cherries, then these coffee cherries will undergo a dry process that is almost similar to the natural process, namely direct drying until the coffee cherries dry naturally. If the natural process takes about two weeks to dry, then wine coffee takes 30 – 60 days (depending on the weather too).
The drying process is intentionally longer because farmers believe that the longer it is dried, the more attached the cherries will be to the coffee beans. And that’s what will bring out the taste and aroma of wine.