- Produk yang tersedia: Biji Kopi Hijau, Biji Kopi Panggang, Kopi Bubuk
- Jenis: Arabika
- Screen Size: 15-19
- Kelembaban: Maks 13%
- Triage: 6-8%
- Defect Value: 6-8 (As per sample)
- Skor Bekam: 84+
- Tahun Panen: 2024
- Ukuran Lot: 200
- Ukuran tas: 60 KG
- Pengemasan: GrainPro Liner
- Sertifikasi: Perdagangan yang Adil, Organik, USDA, Rain Forest Alliance, Halal.
- Fragrance/Aroma: Fresh, Nutty
- Flavor: Floral, Fresh Spicy, Dark Chocolate, Caramel
- Acidity: Soft
- Body: Strong but Soft and Mild
Deskripsi Skema
- Time from Flowers to Be Berry: 9 Months
- Production (Kg/Ha): 800 to 1500
- Optimal Temperature: 13 to 28°C
- Optimal Rainfall: 100 to 3000 mm
- Ketinggian: 1200 hingga 1700 dari Permukaan Laut (dpl)
- Soil Type: Black Soil /Soil Formed of Young
Materials are very Fertile and Volcanic and contain Micro Nutrients Important to Plants.
- Negara Asal: Indonesia
- Area Produksi: Aceh (Takengon, Bener Meriah, Angkup, Sukarame, Bies, Jagung, Sabun, Pondokbaru)
- Kandungan Kafein: 0,8 hingga 1,4%
- Bentuk Biji: Pipih dengan Garis Tengah yang Jelas
- Sup Karakter: Asam & Cokelat
- Metode Panen: Mekanis dan Petik Tangan
- Processing Method: Semi-wash Method
About Lasuna Special Coffee Beans
Lasuna Special is a unique blend of acidity & body that produce a mild flavor & light and can be classified as balance coffee and have a pretty good of sweetness.